Sony BMG

by Paulo Correa
A hat on the top of a stool appears in the middle of the stage as the band starts playing. An intro with powerful wind instruments echoes through the place and suddenly, coming down the stairs, these two poets on the way to become legends appear intoning the double overture: “Ocupen su localidad” (Take your place) and “Hoy puede ser un gran día” (Today could be a great day). A vibrant beginning that anticipated the great musical time that was to come.
This CD/DVD can be looked at from two points of view. From the eyes of the fan of these two glories of the Spanish song or from the eyes of the young audience who perceive Serrat and Sabina as distant or unknown icons. For the first ones it will be an unforgettable experience where both artists’ greatest hits will be relived in exciting live versions. For the latter it is a rediscovery, perhaps even a first time, of two essential singer-songwriters of our musical history.
Personally, their songs dwell in my memory like old melodies my parents used to listen to and they fill me up with nostalgia. And this production is a voyage through many of the most significant songs of the last three decades, especially in the motherland, Spain, but also in Latin America.
After that introduction, I must admit that I have fallen in love with this production, full of beautiful songs, with incredible lyrics and new arrangements of overwhelming energy regardless of being an intimate ballad, a rhythmic song or a rumba flamenco.
Listening to these two geniuses converse in between songs is as enjoyable as it is to listen to them intonate each other’s songs. The performance is almost theatrical throughout the recital, like in “La del pirata cojo” (The pirate's lame) where they disguise as pirates giving the situation a very picturesque touch, while at other times they play, recite, make jokes or modify the lyrics making the audience burst out laughing.
Some could say that when singing Serrat’s songs Sabina lacks melody, and that when Serrat is singing Sabina's songs he lacks rhythm. But what is certainly true is that every piece fits together perfectly resulting in a solid album that is not interested in exceeding the original versions but in refreshing their sound and facing the two veterans with a new audience because, as they extol in “Para la libertad” (To the freedom), the song that closes the work “Aun tengo vida” (I am still alive), they have a lot of life and lots of music to give us.
To be highlighted the excellent potpourri they accomplished putting together “Aquellas pequeñas cosas” (Those little things) - “Ruido” (Noise) and “El muerto vivo” (The living dead), the most partying moment of the night. Also the energetic version of “19 días y 500 noches” (19 days and 500 nights) by Sabina and “Fa Vint Anys Que Tinc Vint Anys” (It’s been 20 years since I turned 20) in which Serrat couldn’t be left with the desire to sing in Catalan and, of course, the international “Cantares” (Chants) where their voices put together where at times dazzled by the powerful singing of a very excited and connected audience.
It should be mentioned that this album has one of the worst sound engineering’s I have heard in the last few years but in times like this the art surpasses the technique.
Numeric Rating: 91/100