Babaluca is my favorite local band, and judging from the amount of plays their track “Que Bonito” received on our Rocola #6 they have the charm to shine in unexpected proportions. To our surprise, the song’s thousands of hits placed it on our Yearbook: Most Popular post as one of the top 10 most played pieces from more than 200 selections that were part of our jukebox throughout 2008. Babaluca discharges a handful of smiles and still holds its position as a tour de force unveiling itself throughout the small concert venues of Phoenix, Arizona. Their musical approach is precise, a multi dimensional gathering that is also transcending extremely well in their demo recordings. The trio consisting of Carla Morrison, Nicolas Kizer and Niki Petta is one of the most exciting projects we’ve featured so far, and we’re keeping a close eye for what’s to come, hopefully a first LP to continue to master their craft. Once again, it was a challenge to pick a song to share, their cover for Manu Chao’s “La Despedida” is as sublime as it can get.

Club Fonograma Features:
Track: "La Despedida" (Manu Chao Cover)
Album: None
Label: Unsigned
Country: USA/Mexico
>>> MP3