There are very few individuals I can fully trust when it comes to music, there’s Tim Finney (Pitchfork Media), Chris Cantalini (Gorilla vs Bear), Jean-Stephane Beriot, Andrew Casillas, Julieta Venegas and lately Sr. Amable, whose music blog Noche Pasta is simply terrific. Turns out he’s got a music project of his own, Señor Amable Was Here is an enjoyable listen from a guy with a wide musical horizon, some of us write about music to become better consumers, others build up striking promising projects. I had a difficult time trying to decide a track to feature. The soft “Ya me voy” and “Gary (ewewew)” were highly considered, but at the last moment it was the addictive “Down Mexico” that won me over, always looking to the south to discover sweet tunes.

Club Fonograma Features:
Track: "Down Mexico"
Album: Señor Amable Was Here
Label: Delhotel
Country: Mexico