For some reason, people here and there complain why we put too much attention on Spain’s indie scene, thing is, Spain and Mexico are the only countries to have an actual music industry (Argentina’s collapsed early this decade) and so it’s logical that there are more bands and more support to all fields of the business. But at least for me, it goes beyond that, see, before deciding to take my time to start this blog I really had no guidance to follow as far as ‘Latin music’ was concerned. There were places I would go to assist my thirst like Reactor or Marvin, but never an actual written channel from which to learn how to run a blog. So besides Pitchfork, The AV Club or Slant Magazine, Spain’s blogging network always fascinated me, I learned through and continue to learn from Hipersonica and La Nadadora, to Muzikalia or Mondo Sonoro. I’ve been so exposed to all these bands that they feel local to me, and it’s great to see they care enough to send me their albums.
Yes, there are a lot more blogs out there writing about all these artists and perhaps we would look cooler if we decided to overlook them and let Spanish reviewers do their job and pay our full attention to the unnoticed releases of indie labels and net labels, but we would become as vague as all the commas I left out in this paragraph alone. Or even scarier, we would found ourselves close to a Billboard Latino, we are not an informative blog nor do we feel a responsibility to limit ourselves. In short, we write about what we like. But enough with the sermon, what’s stimulating this post is the fact that Venus Pluton! is back and you should know we will be posting a lot of videos from it. Venus is Spain’s La Blogotheque, but it’s a lot more fun, they invite artists to shoot videos out there like the French do, but they also produce montages and capture live performances with a whole lot of artistic vision behind it.
So go on kids, here are two of their latest works, for two bands we deeply care for. First, our friends Manos de Topo, who were one of the nicest guys I came in contact with through the Voy a Explotar Soundtrack, you now know how dramatic Miguel Angel’s vocals are, what if he was to sing about the statue of liberty while getting shaved with one of those old barber’s razors? Sweeney Tood, anyone? The second video is from Los Punsetes, here performing “Lo Natural”, the scenery couldn’t fit the song better. And as a last thought, Mexico’s In-D has done these type of videos, it’s a shame they don’t upload them to YouTube anymore.