Fonogramaticos Vol.4 Coming Up!

We're puting the final touches to our fourth volume of free music, again, thanks to the artists and their labels. I'll promise it will make you dance like none of our previous compilations. You should know by now that we drool over pop, but this one has very few of it. Facts: It includes 8 unreleased tracks, there are artists from Mexico, United States, Chile, Dominican Republic, Spain, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia.20 Tracks total, 3 acts coming back from the last compilation just because we love them too much, the first true american act although you might not recognize them as they're injecting wires, pixels and a whole lot of bouncing to a norteño song, continue to have kids on the cover, and to our surprise, no artists from either The Poni Republic or Delhotel Records. Genre: Religious, Urban, Pop, Non-World.