Papa Topo

Papa Topo is clearly one of the big standouts from our fourth compilation, not to mention that their incredibly catchy song “Oso Panda” gives our Fonogramaticos Vol.4 its theme: “Un paseo por la Selva Tropical.” The buzz is starting to rise like no other act from Spain this year; my encounter with their music is both odd and charmingly coincidental. A couple of months ago I was looking for a song by Joan Miquel Oliver (who by the way has a new album out), so I stumbled upon a called Tweeranosaurus, quickly noticing it was the most adolescent indiepop blog ever, but I never put much attention to it blog because of its lack of content, but I placed it on bookmark just in case.

Two weeks ago having a couple of open spots on our compilation I went through my bookmarks and found this stunning song, the blog’s author said that it was the first studio-recorded song from his band and that made it even more special to hear. Now the band will be releasing material through Elefant Records, Spain’s most predominant and colorful label, whose catalog includes La Casa Azul and La Bien Querida. “Oso Panda” is great, but make sure to check out “La Chica Vampira” as well, it will most likely be polished with a better studio production, but just like the guy on the song I love it just the way it is. Don’t worry, it’s nothing like Twilight, it’s the perfect soundtrack to Lat Den Ratte Komma In (Let the right one in), which by the way was one of my favorite movies of 2009 .