Independiente, Mexico
Rating: 64
By Carlos Reyes
Roborant’s debut EP showcases a confident act that’s able to juxtapose its vague echo with a synthesized world that stays away from any norms imposed by electronic music. This self-titled, three-tracked EP hopes to follow the steps of the attention projects like Bufi, Disco Ruido! and Neon Walrus have generated in Mexico’s indie, bands that distance themselves from the alter-latino subtext and filling the gap of new electronic music in a scene that knows about Plastilina Mosh and Nortec but hardly any others. While Roborant isn’t as convincing as the previous bands I mentioned they’re definitely a standout.
Roborant reminds me of the ‘glam-synth-punk rockers’ Six Million Dollar Weirdo (now called Abominables), not as kitsch or exuberant, but in the way they approach songs; deep voiced phrasing, techno keys on the background, dissolved electric guitars and multiple layers of music eras chasing the up-to-the-minute modern sound. From its first moment, Roborant steps in a hipsy territory, you know, those that get many hearts over at The Hype Machine, we got to recognize their potential to internationalize at some point, something like “Lick My Eyes” might be able to do it (regardless of its absurd title).
The show opens with “Restless”, which sounds like an encounter between New Order and Delorean while going to keeping some of the soberness of Argentina’s DJs Pareja, meaning it’s epically galactic but also blissful and aware that in order to reach a ‘restless’ vibe it has to spore calmness and speed from time to time. “Lick My Eyes” sounds great, but it’s kind of absurd, or maybe not, I have trouble understanding the lyrics because the pronunciation isn’t that great. The last piece titled “Those Two Words” is anxious to spread its metallic wings; it’s a key track for Roborant, reveals the best and worst of them, a band that can stimulate senses with the right tools, needs patience and its own wave to get there.