Capitol Records, Spain
Rating: 28
by Andrew Casillas
Rather than launch into a blistering version of “Radio Radio” (which would admittedly be pretty awesome), I’m just going to get straight to the point: this is one of the worst things I’ve heard so far this year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an abject Bunbury-phobe. Héroes del Silencio was probably the best Spanish rock band of its time, and they rode the line between hard rock and pop as well as any of their contemporaries. And Bunbury is no slouch himself. His debut solo album, Radical Sonora, was a delightful mix of alternative rock and psychedelia; a path that he’s sadly ignored in the past decade. But this…this is just plodding, derivative, simple music. It’s completely safe and colorless, which is fine if you only buy two albums a year and listen to the same three radio stations your entire life.
Don’t get me wrong. Some stuff on here isn’t awful; and as always, many of the song titles are a joy in themselves. “Ella Me Dijo Que No” begins innocently enough, before erupting into a shuffle of harmonies, buoyant drums, and George Harrison-like guitar licks. And closer “Nunca Se Convence del Todo a Nadie de Nada” rides a sultry piano backing and marries it with the right mix of violin and guitars. Bunbury’s voice is also in top shape, but over the course of an hour, his monotone only adds to the neutral shade of the entire album. But that’s about it…unless you find a lack of time-signature variation sexy.
So that’s really all I have to say about this album. Unless you’re a Bunbury completist, I would recommend staying away from this at all costs. There’s a lot of music out there in the world, folks. Don’t waste your time with something that’s not going to challenge you. If you need more advice, go listen to “Radio Radio” again, and let the prophet Elvis Costello set you straight.