Good Lord, that male stick figure has the body of Mighty Mouse.
ANYWAY, last night I was supposed to catch shows from Los Amparito and Banda de Turistas. Sadly, as soon as I walked into their gig, the band was finishing a song, complained of sound issues, and then silently packed their gear up. It was a shocking and somewhat sad development, considering the other recent issues the group has seen lately. Hopefully they don't leave sour on Austin or Texas, because they're a VERY talented band, one who I've successfully impressed on some friends in the past few days.
A few days ago, the New York Times made the outrageous statement that Austin was the "breakfast taco capital of the world" (Guanabee should also get credit for alerting me to this shocking development). Listen, I love you Austin, you've been my home for years now, but if I see ANYONE in this city boasting of this "proclamation," I will put on my soccer cleats and slide tackle you in the shin. First of all, Austin only has ONE decent taco place that's open 24 hours. Secondly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone in Austin eat a taco that DIDN'T have cheddar cheese in it (and if you don't know why it's wrong to put cheddar cheese in your taco, you must also write for the Times). Thirdly, and most criminally, STORE BOUGHT TORTILLAS. There's plenty of other circumstantial evidence I could use to disprove the Times' statement, but this is still a music site...until Carlos hires a food editor. As I've said before, I'm from San Antonio, a town of MUCH MORE taco authenticity, and the big city who should rightly be called "breakfast taco capital of the world." Now, obviously anyone who's ever been to the Rio Grande Valley can rightly proclaim that area to have the best tacos in Texas, but good luck getting a New York Times reporter to go down there and say that (kiddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, I love the Valley). And I'd love to rep for SoCal, but every time I go over there, some tells me that they "don't eat tacos here...we eat burritos." Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! Anyway, we all have the right to rep whatever city's tacos that we want, but please, anywhere but Austin, right?