Ulises Hadjis is one of our favorite artists to have picked up “la cancion melodramatica latinoamericana” as means of expressionism. He belongs to that vein of authors making conversational, down-to-earth and folksy music, a vein that includes Juango Davalos, Orlando and Camila Moreno. This humble and clever Venezuelan talent makes the singer-songwriter tag a reality. After his incredibly solid debut Presente and a Remixes EP, Hadjis is ready for the next step, the always-bloodcurdling sophomore album, to be titled Cosas Perdidas. He recently took a trip to Mexico to meet his friends and fellow musicians Juan Manuel Torreblanca and LoBlondo from Hello Seahorse!, both artists recorded songs for his new album after months of preparation via Skype.
The first single “Música Normal” is one of those apparently ‘little’ songs that end up having much more substance than many of the intricate vanguard pieces we usually feature. His method of composition is intriguing to say the least; he makes lyricism seem effortless, but he’s not compressing emotion at any moment (he is no minimalist), these are three minutes of pure magical simplicity. “Música Normal” also achieves a compelling instrumentation, as enchanting as that memorable soundscape in "Preocupacion Genuina."