Video: Natalia Lafourcade - "No Viniste"

Natalia Lafourcade will re-edit her grandiose 5-star Hu Hu Hu very soon, which will include this gorgeous video for the equally charming “No Viniste.” Her upfront single “Azul” was our #1 song of 2009, we love every second of it, but there’s something about “No Viniste” that has kept us mesmerized, it’s transcending as a nearly flawless anthem for lovers out there. I particularly think of those guys from the big Mexican cities who go to visit their girlfriends/boyfriends to those smaller municipalities around, things usually go wrong... but of course, that’s just from my experience. It’s warm, cute and very glossy (as glossy as that Where the Wild Things Are movie), but above all, Natalia’s beauty here is spellbinding.