The album’s first single “Loca” is creepy weird, unexpectedly sweaty, we dig it. It’s phenomenal how she always manages to put on great first singles, “Loca” isn’t as impressive as “Loba” or “La Tortura,” but it’s sexy in all its funkiness. We’re probably too framed within our scene, but one would swear Shakira has been listening to Rita Indiana and Javiera Mena lately. This is some kind of tropical heaven, and the Colombian star sounds as if she's having an orgasm, “dance or die.”
The song is actually a reimagining of “Ella Eh Loca Con Su Tiguere” by Dominican artist El Cata, who appears in the song credits. We also recognize Puerto Rican flow-master Ñejo, whose sexual explicitness is finally devoured by Shakira’s charms. The single’s cover is fantastic, I see a tail, she finally accomplished to look like a lion, a sexy beast. A first impressive single, looking forward to hear the rest of the album, blow our minds Shakira.