Video: Los Amparito - "4500 millones de años de soledad"

CF’s staff is getting a little desperate regarding Los Amparito’s much-anticipated debut. We’ve been salivating that album for so long, it’s starting to become a myth. Not too long ago, Los Amparito’s mastermind Carlos Pesina expressed his intentions of distancing himself from too much sampling, to instead, construct every music layer from scratch. Considering our most beloved albums are operas primas, we can only help Los Amparito keeps its flame alive. In the meantime, the electro-folk act has kept momentum with interesting remixes (Carrie, Julieta Venegas, Antoine Reverb), collaborations (w/ Carla Morrison), and a series of fuzzy vintage clips. Constructed by Jaiziel Hernandez Maynez, “4500 millones de años de soledad” is Los Amparito’s most gorgeous clip yet.