Video: Varias Artistas: Emme - "El Día del Zarpado"

“When describing a female artist, unless she is a child, do not refer to her as a girl, always use woman” noted our dear copy editor Blanca Méndez on one of my recent published posts. She's completely right. Gender terms are to be taken seriously, especially in their representation in pop culture. Among the many fascinating things about Lucas Marti’s Varias Artistas, is the opportunity it provides to many of us in need to reflect on gender representation and idiosyncrasies. It might not be the most intricate song in Se Puede, but Emme’s contribution to the album might be its most confident number. A song as dynamic as “El Día del Zarpado” deserved an equally active clip, and director Ezequiel F. Muñoz was not intimidated in the very least. The clip seems like a bundle of easy frames, but it’s actually quite militant in its anti-role commentary. But as with most videos from the Varias Artistas clan, it’s the singer who owns every single shot. Emme is a tour-de-force here, and I don’t think we’ve seen such a hot performance in a video all year long.