Como Asesinar Felipes and El Sueño de la Casa Propia have a serious challenger to take the prize for the coolest band name in South America. El Orgullo de Mamá (remember that song from Hombres G?) is an unabashedly weird new act that’s been earning plenty of word-of-mouth buzz lately. “We are Agus and Fran. We’ve been long-time friends and this year we made a rap band,” states the press kit. The fact that they call themselves a rap band pretty much outlines a case that blurs the lines between leisure and gimmick (if you're thinking Flight of the Concords, you're on the right track). But, don’t worry, these guys are plenty of fun (douchebags who can't rhyme, but fun nonetheless). Their first single, “Alfajorcito,” is like an overdose of saccharine desserts and sounds like a track out of the Plastilina Mosh and Pipe Llorens repertoires. We can’t tell how much pride their mothers feel for them, but they've got some serious child-actor confidence. And, now, two questions: First, would you date them? Second, is this the first track to ever reference Taringa?”