Fonocast #9: March Madness
by Blanca Méndez, Giovanni Guillén, and Conejito Colvin
March is the kick-off month for spring-summer music events, and the two big ones coming up, Festival Nrmal and SXSW, have some pretty sick lineups. There are the heavy hitters like Javiera Mena and Alex Anwandter, along with a slew of other great acts like Andrea Balency Trio and Los Rakas, that you should definitely carve some time out for. We know that festivals can be overwhelming. There are so many great bands! How do I decide who to see?! What should I wear?? We might not be able to help you with that last one, but we've got you covered on the music end. Giovanni Guillén, who will be at SXSW, and Conejito Colvin, who will be at Festival Nrmal, have hand-picked the artists that you definitely don't want to miss. Take a listen to find out why your schedule isn't complete without them.
- Kali Mutsa - "San Cipriano"
- Carrie Rodriguez - "Absence"
- Il Abanico - "Keep Calling"
- Andrea Balency Trio - "El Desorden"
- Javiera Mena - "Hasta La Verdad" (Astro remix)
- Alex Anwandter - "Rebeldes"
- Los Rakas - "Abrazame" (Uproot Andy remix)
- White Ninja - "Regrets are the Best"
- Mock the Zuma - "Pocktlee"
- Ñaka Ñaka - "Glorieta de Insurgentes, 2084 AD"
- Javier Estrada + Ezekiel - "Bass Squad"
- Tony Gallardo II - "Costa Drums (I Need 2 Let U Go)"