Video: Dënver - "Las Fuerzas"

Almost three months with Fuera de campo and our full-length review has yet to surface. Maybe because a certain opening track has commanded so much of our attention (not to mention the replay button) that it’s delayed the listening experience altogether. Let’s face it, though, “Las fuerzas” is pure gold. Surely the kind of classic that will always be there to accompany you at the most decisive and essential moments in life: from the womb, to your wedding, and even your own wake.

So what kind of video could possibly accompany such a momentous hit? As always, Dënver respond to the challenge by completely throwing us off. Directed by Bernardo Quesney, “Las fuerzas” receives a disquieting treatment, somewhere between Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist and the films of Maryse Sistach (Perfume de Violetas & La Niña en la Piedra). In it, three friends take to the woods to cement a union that Carlos Reyes describes as “a modern love story that mines deep beneath the surface of human pain.” Slow motion images illustrate scenes that could really only exist in Dënver’s universe, even with its shocking ending (that is necessary viewing) all of it serves to highlight the true charm of a song like “Las fuerzas.” It’s a song that breaks hearts then cures them; it mends old wounds then infects new ones. Make sure to stick around for the ending credits.