Onda Temporal, Episodio Doce: Calafia Puta

Queen Calafia, has been depicted as the Spirit of California, and has been the subject of modern-day sculpture, paintings, stories and films. She often figures in the myth of California's origin, symbolizing an untamed and bountiful land prior to European settlement. The character of Calafia is used by Rodríguez de Montalvo to portray the superiority of chivalry in which the attractive virgin queen is conquered, converted to Christian beliefs and married off. Is a part of California history, and she also reinforces the fact that when Hernán Cortés named the place California, he had 300 black people with him.This history allows me to conclude the fact that this band calls this queen a "puta" because of the paganism and violence that develops its origin, all the unjust acts committed in absurd unjustified ways by the spanish crown and religion for the conquest and colonization of America. Not as barbaric as the ideology planted by the grindcore band Brujería in one of the greatest records of mexican power metal called Matando Güeros, but more intimate, regional and involved with their country and Tijuana.

Listening to Calafia Puta is like attending to a Mike Tyson fights, just when you're excited, everything is finished with a knockout. But, what did you expect from powerviolence? Is a raw, aggressive and dissonant subgenre of hardcore punk. So, there's no room and time for sentimentalism or melody here. All that matters is the content, the way in which an idea is expressed. Their lyrics are verses dedicated to the youth and sung with the revivifying aggression of modern time violence. And like that, this is maybe the best way of ending Onda Temporal, the Club Fonograma's expected journey recorded in unexpected places by a big and not-so big artists. In this one-minute performance of "Manifiesto Anarcojunior," Calafia Puta improvised on the street ringing in arrangements of the best trasheo tijuanense and sing "Más que un saludo, es un adiós. Mi más sentido pésame, hace tiempo nos mudamos de este mundo para siempre". All the chapters of Onda Temporal scoped by Carlos Matsuo's were not only live sessions, were living expressions.