After a year cultivating breezy and seductive synthpop through her EPs and singles, one of which landed on our list of favorite songs from 2015, Sandra Rapulp sounds ready for what’s next. Her F.M EP, announced early this year, is about striking balance between the slow burning atmospherics she’s already delivered, and another side which is drawn to the dance floor. “Soy La Mujer Que Te Encontrará” is a bold dance track disguised in whispers. Really all that’s missing to upgrade it as a full banger is Crystal Waters vocalizing in the background. The consistency of each element disguises a multi-layered structure that leaves room for ambient guitar to envelop its neon core. “Soy La Mujer Que Te Encontrará” is, if not the coolest, surely the most satisfying moment SALFUMÁN has unveiled thus far.